At Westmead Doctors, we have a dedicated group of clinicians providing comprehensive assessment and management for your child presenting with the following problems:
- Speech and language issues including speech disorders, delays, voice disorders and stuttering
- Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)
- Other neurodevelopmental disorders such as developmental coordination disorders (DCD), sensory processing and affect regulation issues and clumsy gait
- Learning disorders, suspected intellectual disability, anxiety, and many other challenging behaviours
- Out-of-Home-Care children and those presenting with behavioural problems in the context of social vulnerabilities
We use a variety of validated assessment such as Griffith’s developmental assessment for developmental delays, Vineland adaptive behaviour scale for adaptive function, Brief Kaufman Test for Educational Assessment (Brief-KTEA) for learning problems. Our speech, OT and Psychologists also use speciality specific validated allied health assessments.
We use the Social Responsiveness Scale Second Edition (SRS-2), an assessment tool for individuals to help identify developmental difficulties and social skills deficits.
Our group includes:
- Dhivya Karthikeyan, Psychologist
- Dianna Huang, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Neuropsychologist
Please ring our reception staff on 9687 4000 to make further enquiries regarding these services. Requests for standardised developmental assessments are also welcome.
Useful links for families
Better Start Programme
Better Start for Children with Disability provides improved access to early intervention services. Eligible children will be able to access up to $12,000 in early intervention funding. Please click on the link below to find information on the eligibility and enrolment.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
On 30 June 2016, the NDIS started to be rolled out across Australia. The NDIS replaces a disability system that was unfair and inefficient with a new system that is world-leading, equitable and sustainable. The NDIS will provide all Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life.
The NDIS is being introduced in stages around the country over the next three years. NDIS is available for residents residing in Western Sydney and South Western Sydney districts from July 2016.
NOTE: Please discuss with our team, we may be able to assist you in the process.
Transition from Better Start and Helping Children With Autism (HCWA) to NDIS Scheme
Information on how your child’s participation in the Better Start program may be affected if they become a participant in the NDIS can be found in the link below:

Our friendly and helpful team
of practice Manager, Nurses and
Receptionists are always ready to
help and serve.